A subject you enjoyed studying this term
A subject which has currently affected, in great magnitude,
the faculty is suicide among the students. This is due to the actual suicide of
a workmate and two others that were on the verge of doing the same thing. As
often happens in these cases there is hardly any prevention but a lot of
talking amongst us once the tragedy has occured. Personally I think not enough
importance is given to these cases in Chile, the worst has to happen before
anyone takes any action.
I remember needing psicological help,
I wish that the depression, words and actions of our
workmates were taken more seriously. I guess its easy to say how I wish things
would be but what do we do about it. People usually say that those who chose to
comit suicide are the weak link, so if this is true why dont we notice they
need help before they carry out such a terrible desicion. I guess we could do
it but people tend to be selfish and we hardly ever stop to take a look around
us, its sad to feel part of this society. Suicide tends to trigger a chain
reaction and this is because students are collapsing.
I dare not say that the suicides taken place in my faculty
have a direct link with my career, as no one knows what problems these students
were having, I guess there are cases when not even the family knows what was
going on in their minds. Pressure, stress, constant critics and all those bad
moments lived can influence a desicion as tremendous as this. This subject really
affects me, not because I have thought of killing myself but because I know
people that have been in critical situations were they could have taken their
lifes. It makes me feel sad and angry not being there to help those that need
support, we are studying in a faculty that is selfish and egocentric, I really
do hope this changes some day.
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