A subject you enjoyed studying this term
A subject which has currently affected, in great magnitude, the faculty is suicide among the students. This is due to the actual suicide of a workmate and two others that were on the verge of doing the same thing. As often happens in these cases there is hardly any prevention but a lot of talking amongst us once the tragedy has occured. Personally I think not enough importance is given to these cases in Chile, the worst has to happen before anyone takes any action. I remember needing psicological help, mainly because I needed some type of contention and as always there were no hours available in the public health enteties and when I tried to find help within the faculty the waiting list was enormous. I could have had suicidle ideas without any support to avoid them. I dont know if this is the same in other countries but here in Chile its obvious that help is difficult to find. I wish that the depression, words and actions of our workmates were taken more seriously. I...